06.2015. ISBN 978-81-84689-34-6. Reproduction of this document in any electronic or print medium without permission of the publisher is strictly prohibited. This book provides a detailed study of the basic concepts of probability and statistical analysis. The book contains a carefully prepared study of probability theory, with emphasis on the problems of solution, interpretation and the mathematical methods used in solving them. At the same time the book lays emphasis on the basic concepts of probability, statistics, and correlation and regression analysis. "It is an excellent book for beginners in probability and statistics. The book is also a valuable textbook for students who are having basic course in these areas." -- Amit K. Gaur, Honorary Editor, Indian Journal of Probability and Statistics. Professor Murugesan, who is one of the senior most teachers in the country, has a wide experience in teaching. It is a pleasure to note that some of the aspects of his writing, and teaching, come directly from his long and distinguished service to students. The book is unique in many ways: it is entirely self-help, it is light on the mathematical details, and is intended to be a self-study course for those who want to understand Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists.. The book is intended for the following users: Engineers and scientists who have to deal with situations where there is need for inference based on limited and uncertain data. The book also helps non-engineers and non-scientists to understand the field of probability and statistics better. Further, the material included in the book can be used by academics and researchers who have to make their work scientifically accepted by peers. To help the reader understand what to read and what not to read. The book also helps the reader to locate useful information quickly when they are unsure of where to look. The book covers the following aspects: Inverse probability & Z-transform The normal and uniform distributions, the importance of probabilities in decision making and statistical inference, use of the probability distribution in various decision making processes, Z-transform and its application, characterizations of distribution, construction of distribution from data, probabilities of outcomes and their interpretation in terms of expected values. The book begins with a chapter on Probability and the Normal Distribution, followed by chapters on Z-Transform, Statistical Inference, Z-Transform and the Probability Distributions and Their Applications. The book then proceeds to the special topics of correlation and regression analysis. The book concludes with
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